A musical/audiovisual instrument based on movementusing the free frameworks Pure Data and Processing. SoMo can be assembled with a commom personal computer and with a low cost webcam - we are using the PSEye®, we achieve a responsiveness of up to 100 frames per second and audio synthesized in real time. A visual feedback helps the executant and serves aesthetically to the performance.
The instrument was developed by Tiago Brizolara and Marcos Moritz and a paper describing the system was published in the Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical em 2015:
The source code is available at
Yllu represents in one of its forms the music produced by the tiny wings in flight … This voice has similarity to other most important: Illa names certain species of light and the monsters that were born hurt by the moonlight rays. Illa is a boy with two heads or a calf that is born decapitated; or a giant cliff, all black and lucid, which surface appeared crossed by a large vein of white rock, of opaque light; it is also a plantation where the rows of maize intersect or swirl; the mythical bulls that inhabit the bottom of the lonely lakes, the high lagoons surrounded by totora, populated by black ducks, are illas. All illas cause good or evil, but always in a high degree. Touching an illa and dying or achieving resurrection is possible. This illa voice has some phonetic kinship and an internal communion of meaning with the ending Yllu”
- José Maria Arguedas, In. Los Ríos Profundos (free translation).
Fotos: [Top] SoMo in the Yllu performance, with R.I.S.C.O. group (Florianópolis-Brazil, 2017). [Bottom] With R.I.S.C.O. in concert at Centro Cultural Azambuja (Brusque-Brazil, 2018).