Tiago Composer, creator, researcher, developer. From instrumental music to new interfaces for music expression.



An immersive interactive aesthetic experience, which allows both active contemplation and observing other people in the artwork, always inhabiting the Threshold (Limiar) between worlds of watercolor and sound. Layers of watercolor are revealed as the visitors approach, tracing softly their silhouettes. Somewhere on the Limiar there are luminous forms that seek out participants and escape. The soundtrack co-interact with some graphical elements, related to the presence and interaction of the visitors. The projection is in widescreen format and the audio has reactive spatialization.

Specifically, 5 watercolors are superimposed and are being revealed according to the interaction of people with the work, captured by a Kinect sensor. A watercolor in predominantly orange tones is revealed by the silhouette of those present and also by intelligent agents that resemble wisps. These agents have an intelligent movement behavior (steering behavior) that approach the visitors, to when they get too close, they return to a safe place, bringing a sense of lively and seduction to the work. Geometric elements attracted by visitors reveal other layers, drag the audio panorama with them and there is also a procedural geometric element, different and unique to each cycle. A watercolor of a predominantly purple landscape with cactus is revealed by a circular mask centered on visitors and whose size obeys the intensity of the soundtrack. Which watercolors and elements are present are scripted by the soundtrack. The source code of the work was made in OpenFrameworks (C ++).

Interactive audiovisual installation, 2017.
Concept and execution: Atelier Digital (Alexandre Chaves, Kaue Costa, João Aires, Tiago Brizolara).
Watercolors: João Aires.
Programming: Kaue Costa, Tiago Brizolara.
Soundtrack (except at the première): Tiago Brizolara, Flora Holderbaum.