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Oniroporte foi composta para orquestra, harpa, piano (instrumentos virtuais East West Quantum Leap) e sintetizador (Analog Lab, da empresa Arturia). DEMO Soundtracks conta inteiramente com instrumentos virtuais gratuitos, exceto por...


After the 1st R.I.S.C.O., a group of the same name was formed to continue producing and researching a path that includes direct sound capture, live electronics, analog synthesizers, music computing...

Atelier Digital

The Digital Atelier produces art with digital perpassings and promotes creation and formation events with local artists and invitees. The initial team, in 2017, was comprised of Alexandre Chaves, Kaue...

Primeiras Milongas - com Iara Germer

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The Observer Effect

Espelho, tela de pintura, filme fotográfico. Mudar a iluminação do ambiente, passear com objetos na frente do "espelho" (câmera), mover-se em diferentes ritmos... tudo faz criar continuamente nessa tela que...